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Regent Media Productions a division ofRegent Asset Management, Inc. |
In many cases, there are complex issues to resolve, e.g in the event of an owner's death or the death of the next of kin. Sometimes the company who is owed money has been dissolved. Can the stockholders at the time of dissolution claim property on behalf of a company that is no longer in existence? We are in a good position to answer such questions because of our legal and commercial background.
Our CEO, William Crowe (of Regent Asset Management Inc.) practised commercial and real estate law for about 15 years and has been a commercial real estate broker in Hawaii since 1990. He has 40 years of commercial experience in many different areas of commerce.Here is a typical testimonial:
"You did a great job recovering the money* that I didn't know was even out there, let alone you persevered thru' all the flack that the state seemed to dish out concerning my company which was no longer in business.
And my name change, and other assorted obstacles, not to mention the least was that the state does business on their time, not ours.
You were terrific, and I truly appreciate all you did for
I would highly recommend you and your service to others."
*claims totalling about $ 7500 for investment moneys in her company name (the company had been dissolved when its assets were acquired by a large company). She had to prove she was the only stockholder at the time of dissolution and that the larger company had no claim to the investment moneys.